Wednesday 3 June 2009

i'm not sure i remember the last time i accessed someone's blog and read a post that is genuinely happy... you know, about life, their own specifically... i read the papers and usually it's about people getting killed, corruption, crazy dictators, sanctimonious demagogy, useless activism.. you get the picture... a lotta people just curse the media, say they hate the news and don't like reading it or watching it because it's all bad... but how many of us are genuinely happy about our lives... before 'mulling over...' starts telling me he loves his life, especially his 'nirlajjam sadasukhi' credo, even he might privately concede that he'd rather be telling his story in circumstances more favourable to him to be truly happy (sorry biks, you're one of the very few who reads this stuff and comments, so i thought i'd anticiapte your reaction first :) ...

we don't seem to be happy in general... maybe we are happy, in spurts... those moments might reflect in our actions and our thoughts.. for bloggers it would be natural to post those thoughts on their blogs... but how often does the genuinely and simply happy, joyful-in-the-moment, non-reflective / introspective post get obliterated by a deluge of sad ones? could someone maybe comment to this with something that's making them genuinely happy right now?


Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

sorry chap nothing cheerful to write here...thought you might like reading this -

"A whole bunch that in pursuit of happiness lie slain,
But deep within, we're all happily married to the pain,
With a little good and a little bad that it's rife,
This experience that us humans love to call life..."

prithvi said...

Every cloud has a silver lining......from the look of your post happiness is the silver one, but I feel it can also be the other way round life is full of happiness with patches of sadness in between.